Thursday, April 30, 2009


 So. In order to not negatively affect the “Pork” industry with politics, are we now refering to: “H1N1-Barrel Spending”?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Posted to the Tom Sullivan radio website:

  I spent the last 18 months of my 3 years of active duty in the U S Army (06/59-06/62) as the PIO Photographer for the 8th Transportation Battalion, Light Helicopters, just outside of Munich, West Germany. One day, we staged the first ever Flyby of 100 helicopters, at about 1,000 feet above the active, all without informing the locals first. Scared the you-know-what out of 'em too. Seems the last time they heard that many piston engined aircraft was - you guessed it - WW II.
 Yes, "excrement occurs". sometimes literally.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Varmint Eradication Policy

 "Warning! The varmints in these parts are not tame. Visitors are advised to stay on the road, as their remains will not be forwarded to next of kin." Thus reads the sign at the entrance to the woods in the Robert Heinlein novel "Glory Road". Why do I bring this up? What in Sam Hill does this have to do with torture? Simple really: If you're going to play the "game", i.e.: defend yourself, your family, friends and country, against terrorists, especially ones who have no fear of death and are willing to sacrifice anyone to achieve their goal to create a worldwide Caliphate, then you had better learn their rules. RULE #1: THERE ARE NO RULES! RULE #2: Platitudes for being "better than that" on a gravestone are no substitute for victory. RULE #3: Win or die. (Unless, of course, you are of the "Submit to live like a slave" school of survive at any cost crowd. Sort of like the "Better Red Than Dead" crowd updated.) The bottom line, as far as I'm concerned is this; If you want to know what life for non Muslims under a Caliphate would be like, ask an Armenian.

Monday, April 27, 2009

And "Kool Aid" was her name 'O.

(This was posted to Tom Sullivan's radio show's website on April 27, 2009, regarding General Motors being overtaken by the government.)
 Janet, whose call just ended, has drunk the Kool-Aid of "Change 'O". "I feel", "but the Banks are already, pretty much owned by the government", et cetera ... . Good lord man. the woman is a walking, talking "Obamaton". A "Glittering Jewel" ... , if you will. However, you sir, are a paragon of patience. " ... a better man than I, Gunga Din".

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Upon "Civility", and the lack thereof.

 I'm saddened by the lack of civility engendered in society by the last 40 years of Public Indocucation and the advent of this medium - the internet. Now, I've "been accused of being ‘direct' before", as a dear friend once pointed out, but the vitriol that I find here on the internet seems to be brought about by untempered anonymity that breeds the inanity of the inane. I see some who find their compassion, as well as their vaunted tolerance, stretched beyond all limits; So, they have none - Compassion, Tolerance, nor Limits. I'm fully aware of the cries from the '60's: "Let me do my own thing!"; "Free Speech!"; Et al, ad nauseam, et cetera ...  . A great cry is heard throughout the land: "FOX (because they actually promote up coming programing) Bad!", "PBS, CNN, MSNBC, NB/AB/C"BS" Good!". (Because they don't?) Oh, I get it! What people are exposed to in the media is only bad when it encourages people to watch what the tolerant don't wish them to see - especially if they actually go ahead and watch in greater numbers that the "approved" outlets enjoy. However, whatever people see in the media has no effect when it comes to  things cultural conservatives wish not to  be shown. Why that's silly - children aren't influenced by what they see on TV, the internet, nor in the movies - why, why, that's censorship!. At least an ostrich has enough sense to stick it's head in the sand, and not some other dark, smelly place.

Posted to Jeff The Trucker's Blog on "Earth Day"

"It is not for us to wonder why." "It is just for us to do (without) and die." So ordaineth the mighty moses of the environmental movement - Algore. (Oh yes, and pay through the proboscis for the privilege of treading lightly on ol' mama earth.) My reply to such nonsense, [My  good] fellow ... ? "Oh Ya!" "Offset this!"

Monday, April 20, 2009

"Fictionary" on Ayn Rand

I watched a "Fictionary" on television awhile ago, depicting Ayn Rand as a sex-crazed older woman in a serial relationship with a younger man. We, the childlike great unwashed, (commonly known as viewers) were never, ever exposed, not one teeny weeny bit, to her radical philosophy of American Exceptionalism, as achieved through enlightened self-interest, also known as Capitalism. Not, as it is so often twisted into: "Unfettered Capitalism". The truth is, there is no truth when it comes to Hollywood and it's alphabet network outlets - at least when it comes to conservatism, it's philosophy and ideals. Yes: "No man is an island". Neither should he an anchor be. (As in a willing deadweight on society.)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Letter to the Professor

My Dear Professor Obama (and "His" Teaching Assistants),

 You all may chafe at the bit, so to speak, at the constraints the "Contract Of America", a.k.a. The Constitution of the United States" places on your fondest wishes: Establishing a grand kšathra-pāvan here, in place of a representative republic. By denying the very fact that our rights are given to us "by our Creator" and not subject to man denied wishes, edicts or special orders, you prove your intentions. It, our constitution, is by design, "Restrictive", and not "Proscriptive" for the very reason I'm addressing you now. It is not the fault of American gun owners that the failing oligarchs of Mexico can not control (in the sense of eliminate - not help them profit by) their increasingly violent drug lords. It is also not the fault of America's border patrol agents that their counterpart Mexican border agents are not doing the job they're supposed to be doing. Are they "on the take"? Most likely, in the land of mordida, far too many are. (That is not the type of cultural diversity we wish to "import" here, by the way.)

 It bodes ill for the American people, if the definition of "Law Abiding" can be further restricted by the hand of anyone who does not trust the very people whose very unalienable rights are in their hands.  That is not leadership by good example. rather it is the leadership of the tyrant; Whether or not by accident or design. That was something our founders (those dead Caucasian guys) were very aware of and addressed in great detail in their correspondences with one another. That, I believe, is what some, in power, are so very afraid of, a rebellion of "the great unwashed". That would be a very dim possibility indeed, if one only follows the constitutional precepts as set down by our founders.

With All Due Respect,

Mr. Myron J. Poltroonian

Life Member of the NRA

"Janus Rules"

The following exchange took place, in the space of about an hour or so, on April 18, 2009:

 Hope I'm not intruding, but I just wanted to share an extraordinary series of exchanges to and from just two of the people we knew "Away back then". I know it's overlong, but its been just unbelievable for me. Exchanges  follow:

This is from Diane Smith:
John, I'm trying to put together all the pieces of the murky Paradox past and it occurred to me that you and your bandmates once played a gig at Disneyland.  Was that you or do I have you confused with someone else?  

There were so many Disneyland connections -- like the time they wouldn't let us in because the Dirt Band's hair was too long, or the time when Johnny McEuen was working in the magic shop in the castle.  So many good stories out there it's hard to keep track of them all!


My note to John Hutmacher, while forwarding Diane's missive:
My Dear Friend, It occurs to me that Diane's misconception may have it's genesis in the "Tall Tailing" of a certain friend of mine. To wit - you. Ms. Diane was a waitress at the Paradox, which was in Orange, California. I cannot remember if you ever went there yourself, but you met many of the same musicians that I did back then, and I have no other explanation as why else she, and others, would ever think such a thing. Do you? (I thought not.)
 So, if you wish, you have my permission to contact her and put the poor girl's misconceptions to rest - or not - depending upon your sense of humor at the moment, of course. Do look up to see if you remember anyone from that time. Penny Nichols is stopping nearby in Davis on her way to giving a seminar in Oregon in June, and we hope to connect then.  She was the 16 year old blond vocalist with perfect and relative pitch who was born with only one ear, and was the first female vocalist I ever played with. She's the one I used to say sounds like Judy Collins, only clearer.
 Be well, my friend. I'll know by Diane's response whether or not you actually responded to her query.

"J. B."

John's response to me:
OMG John didn't see her email.......Fuzzy rememberances.....Magic Shoppe......Band playing......Penny for sure.....she is the one I gave the anhaeuser busch name to on her list at the ???something??? club in OC on chapman???    wow.....this alzheimers meds are great....just take them and all sorts of things come in the e-mails.......


Just sent yr security posts to my dear friend Corky whodidn;t know I was still in touch with you....what a day this has been....what a rare mood I'm In......and I thought it was just because the inlaws were away today with Margo at the Casino........


Will Copy Corky if I may   and will write Diane........



A Bientot



Hutmacher then sent this to Diane:
Dear Ms Smith ...


As a former representative of the Wurlitzer Company in Dekalb, Illinois and employee at the Wurlitzer Exhibit in the Magic Kingdom of the 60's wedged stratigically located at the corner of Main Street wedged between the Magic Choppy and the Hills Brothers Coffee bar on the left.....I was most surprised to read you posting to my dear Friend Dr. John.....It brings back many memories of times gone by and special memories to always savour.....I had a brief look at your blogspot and was impressed to see several name familiar to me and will monitor with yr kind permission to follow a bit...... Thank you for the memories and also if anyone was declined a booking because of attire, it was my dear friend and VP from the HS I attended..Mr. Dale who looked after enforcement in those days.......


May everyday be your best !


Kind regards,


John Hutmacher  ( my place on the Tacoma Facebook shows a mightly Wurlitzer I was honoured to play a few years ago up in Bellingham, Washington...a piece of hisroy )

I was sending this to Diane, when John's above message came in:
My Dear Diane, I couldn't resist sending your query regarding Disneyland to a very dear friend of mine from that era. He is, amongst other things, a classical keyboardist (piano, harpsichord and organ), business man and, to his credit, the instigator of the unfounded rumor that I ever played Disneyland. I haven't been to "The Magic Kingdom" since before the "Mr. Lincoln" exhibit was installed. And that was, I believe, while I was stationed in Germany. Flash! I just received John's missive to you re: "In rccpt of fwd ... ." He's just one of many good and true friends I made in those days. Thank you all.

"J. B."

Diane sent this to the two of us. wow.:
Dr. John and Media John:

The two of you have made my day!  Things were not going well this weekend and then all of a sudden I was transported back to Lincoln on Main Street, USA, at which, to quote a source .... "Mr. Lincoln would start having spasms or just bow forward and stop in the middle of the show....."  This was, according to the source, the summer of 1966, so if Dr. Besharian did not play Disneyland during or after that event, then it must have been a different John Besharian.

What a small, small world we live in.  Cheers to the both of you.  Let the Wurlitzer play on.  Diane 

Whereupon I sent this to both of them:
 We aims to please. We does indeed. We hasn't had this much fun in ... (fill in the blank - and the well).
 Once again, into the breach.

Looking Forward (Janus-like),
"J. B."

So, my dear friend, I'm now pounding my head with the heel of my hand, whilst asking myself, "Self? why did you wait so long to be dragged, kicking and screaming into the 21st century?". I do, by the way, understand why this exchange is believable - because of you and all the others we met during that very special time in our lives.
 As they say "Down South": "See Ya!", (hopefully in June).
"J. B."

Friday, April 17, 2009

"Status Quotus"

“Status Quotus”

By John Besharian

A collection of “Bits and Pieces” of my, and others, random reflections on life’s foibles

1. While this impending change in your life, may be a moving experience, the experience of moving can be frustrating, to say the least.

2. Its funny, in a sad sort ’o way, just how alone you can feel when you’ve stopped giving to others, and they notice.

3. “We’ve become ‘A Nation of Rubrics Cubed’ ”. (Coined by me in the early ’80’s.)

4. If Mark Twain (or Will Rogers) didn’t say this, he (or they) should have - “If common sense were, there’d be more of it!” (Coined by me in the mid-eighties.)

5. Question for Civil Rights Activists: regarding the ratio of one group or another’s incarceration for crime. “Do you think you’ll be any less dead if the person who killed you is of your own race or ethnicity?

6. ... as they “Rear their Ugly Rears!”

7. I haven’t managed to “Align My Waterfowl” yet. (“Get my ducks in a row”, so to speak.)

8. “Another day, another way”.

9. Future: A perception of realities as yet unlived. (A concept whose time is coming)

10. Self pity cannot replace self respect.

11. “Cluster Fuck”. (My name for Cluster House, the residence home Mairi lived in.) Motto: “Give Us Your tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Misses, Learning To Eat Brie”.

12. Ah yes, the duality (dualities?) of Gemini's.

13. They say that “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”. I guess that means that insincere flattery is called plagiarism, while sincere flattery (imitation) is called a “Tribute”. (Go to Vegas, or Reno, for examples. “Thank you very much.”)

14. “The Clutter of Your Mind” (sung to the melody of “The Sunshine of Your Smile”).

15. Spider to “Little Miss Muffet”. “How do I love Thee?” Let me count the whey’s.”

16. “Life’s a Jumble”

17. “The Last Rites of Spring.”, followed by, “The First Rites of Summer”.

18. The heart rarely does what the head deems prudent.

19. “So-Cal” A phrase I’ve been using for at least the past thirty five years, regarding Southern California. (Yes, yes, a play on :Low-cal” used for nutritionally “correct”, but, culinarily bland food. As in, “All style, and no substance.”, better yet, “All Taste and no flavor”, or, L.A.’s “All flavor and No Taste.”.

20. I want to rearrange “Bring Me A Dream”, from the movie “Death Warrant” staring Charles Van Damme, and then see if Mairi could understand me. Somehow, I doubt it. (Then again, there’s a ton of things (not just music) that I think I could do better. Ah yes! The arrogance of the typical Gemini.)

21. “Now is the time for all good men to come... “, she said languidly.

22. “The trouble with people is, we’re everywhere.” (My takeoff on something or another.)

23. “Why did the chicken cross the road? To show the ’possum it could be done!” (Mine.)

24. “If you think its hot here, wait ’til you get where we’re going.” (“The “Hell you say!”)

25. “Twelve, going on sixty Five.” (Meaning young at heart, but, old (wise) beyond their years.) Coined (by me) back in Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Three, Anno Domini.

26. With some people, it seems to be a wiring problem, ie; “ The electricity never gets to the bulb!”, so to speak.

27. The devil is not only in the details, he’s also in the Oval Office. (Re: Bill Clinton)

28. The institutions of our country are stronger than Clinton’s ego. They’re also infinitely more important. Truly great presidents are remembered for their passion and commitment to ideals and institutions greater than themselves, not for lying about their inability to contain their baser instincts. Great leaders, lead. They do not hand down “Edicts from on high”, they build consensus. Clinton seemingly rules by decree, daring Congress to veto his endless executive orders. (From a “Letter to the Editor”, published 09/30/98.)

29. Clinton’s “Chinese Curse” is that he is the cause of his “Interesting Times”.

30. “Prejudice”, implies bigotry and closed mindedness. “Discriminating” does not.

31. “...and yet, there are times, when our conversations take on a certain “mono-loguistic” (monologueous?) overtone. (“I must be a good listener.”, ie: You talk, I listen.)

32. At least an ostrich has enough sense to stick it’s head in the sand, and not some other dark, smelly place. (My coinage as well.)

33. On a less serious note: In light of the unfolding drama in the White House, perhaps Bill Clinton should consider moving to San Francisco, instead of Los Angles when he leaves office. Just imagine he and the flamboyant mayor, Willie Brown, giving a whole new meaning to the term “The Willies”. (Please forgive the bad pun, but, I believe Clinton deserves “The lowest form of humor” for dragging the Presidency to depths lower than ever before imagined.) “Throw the bum out!”, as they say. “What a country!” (What a joke!”)

34. “The Left (I am the Back) Hand of God.” Prospective name of some yet to be defined group, or organization. ( A nineties version of “The God Squad”? Ask Lisa Kindred.)

35. “Soyvey”: A new product for Sino-kosher vegans (& vegetarians). Slogans: “Guaranteed Pork Free!”, or, “Now, for Meatless Fridays”. (Oops! How catholic of me.)

36. One of the projects Steven Spielberg may have in mind for Bill Clinton, after he leaves office, is a remake of the film classic “Elmer Gantry”. As far as I can tell, it would be perfect type casting. (Method Acting?)

37. “MacroSquish” - competitive Modus Operandi for Microsoft.

38. My words, like my life, are “Works in Progress”.

39. I’m almost certain that P.M.S. stands for Peanut brittle, Marzipan, and Saltwater Taffy.

40. Q: “Do you have your own web site? A: “Only for flies and gnats (like you)”.

41. “Lets Concept!” (. )”What a Concept!”( .)Ok, ok! I can’t resist!

42. “It’s (They're) so Jersey.”

43. It’s always better to be “Independently Wealthy”, than “Dependently Poor”.

44. If not yes, then no. If not where, then why? If not how, then when? Said who!

45. Remember: All money belongs to the people that earn it, not the government.

46. No one, especially a concerned parent, appreciates being treated with what appears to be amused indulgence, grudging tolerance, or benign indifference, by even one of the staff or management responsible for their child’s education.

47. “Once upon a time, there was a story that began ... .” (A short-story written to be the shortest short-story in the English language, and intended to be put on a Mobius Strip.)

48. The “Three Stooges”, or “Why can stupid be funny? Often confused with “Why can funny be stupid? Or, ... ?

49. Our educational system today is geared to “Public Education”, not educating the public.

50. “Dragon Drops” A name for “Eye candy” (small graphics enhancement, or pictures) for various desktop publishing, web,and/or graphics programs. (Drag ’n Drops?).

51. If you trust any government to be benevolent with your information, to put it kindly, you may be mistaken.

52. Hey! Life’s a negotiation, so lets make a deal!

53. You can take the alcohol out of the bottle, but you can’t take the bottle away from the asshole. (Re: Mairi’s brother’s attitude towards her.)

54. I have this image of our fearless leader (Bill Clinton), his left hand on the bible, with his right hand raised, middle finger extended, asking, nay demanding, “Oath? Define Oath!”. Mores the pity.

55. Who controls the news? Why those supercilious, scintillating, self-satisfied (and smug), poltroons of journalistic integrity, of course. Who else?

56. Feeling as rich as an “Under financed African-American”?

57. “The Erectillian”, or, “What’s Up?” magazine.

58. “From there to here, can I get you not.”

59. Question: “Is it appropriate to impeach, try, and remove from office, the President of the United States of America for lying, perjury, and obstruction of justice?” Answer: ”Hell Yes!”

60. Regarding: “Litigation as Public Policy”, I have the following suggestions ... .

61. For Tobacco Taxes, how about: “A carton A Week Is All We Ask.”

62. For the “Firearms Lawsuits resulting in added taxes”: A Gun A Month, Is All We Ask.”, and/or, “A Box (carton) A Week Is All We Ask.”, for ammunition.

63. Regarding the “Gore Petrochemical Pollution Tax”: “A Tankful A Week Is All We Ask.”

64. Regarding any Sin Tax: "A Sin (or two) A Week Is All We Ask.”

65. My life is undone, and I don’t know if I can do it up again. (Somehow, I must.)

66. Before” “My country! Right or wrong, my country!” Now: “My Party! right or wrong, my Party!” Re Democrat’s participation in impeachment.

67. It doesn’t matter where you meet the people at, it’s where the people you meet are at that matters.

68. Regarding the current media atmosphere on coverage of “Newsworthy Events”: The pontificating prattle of pompous puerile pundits, prognosticating as prophetizing peers of great repute, decrying the nature of the stories dredged up, while still using the prurient and salacious material as fodder for furtherance of their own careers. It seems to be the result of a twisted logic handed down through the ages. From “Bread and Circuses”, to “Let them eat cake”, it is not “The opiate of the masses” that’s at fault. Television, Radio and the Internet simply provide a rapid means of dissemination of so-called information. It’s the masses’ lack of intellectual independence, brought on by a concerted, relentless effort to liberalize, and lower academic standards, yet raise tolerance for so-called “Alternative Lifestyles” in the young and impressionable, that provides room for the fetid fertile forage that fills the trough of public consumption, or distraction. (And they vote?)

69. Battle cry of the cannibal lesbians: “Eat the Women!” (You are who you eat?)

70. To paraphrase Twain, “If human nature wasn’t so despicable, it wouldn’t be so human.”.

71. “We have become ‘The Herd’ led ’round the world”, so to speak.

72. The three most important “E” words (in the English language) are “Exact”, “Existential”, and, now, “e-mail”.

73. For a retrospective, or tribute, of Phil Specter’s “Wall of Sound”, how about “Retro-Spec”?

74. Ah, yes! Give me a buxom young woman whose “Cups runneth Over” every time.

75. Hyphenated-Americans are of the “ ... divided you fall” variety.

76. Get crime out of the hands of criminals, and put it where it belongs, with the politicians!

77. “All it takes to disarm the general population, is for the well intentioned to do the work of the ill intended.” Then “It can’t happen here” can.

78. As far as “Beanie Baby Mania” is concerned: Darwin was right.

79. Look, we can dance around this all life long and never, ever, really say what we mean. Or, we can just blurt it out and never, ever, have to worry about it again. (“one way, or another ... .”)

80. “From Sonorous Heights, to Stygian depths.” (My breadth of crap is amazing!)

81. “Didja Blues? (all over Again) (Idea for either an album, a song title, or both.)

82. I’m in a hole of my own digging. (regarding my current finances - 7/99)

83. “Pussy!” (My favorite subject. I wonder what i was going to say when I stopped in mid sentence?)

84. It’s fallen, and I can’t get it up!” (The only real reason for Viagra™.)

85. re: “A search for your truth.” (“Under every rock is a potential birthplace.”)

86. “Upwardly Nubile!” My euphemism for a woman sleeping her way to the top.

87. “i Think, ergo i Different!”©(#’s 87 & 88 based on Apple’s “Think different” ads touting the new iMac, as well as the new G-3 and G-4 Macintosh computers.)

88. i Think different”©

89. I believe “Big brother” has a not so insignificant other, and her name is “Big Nanny”.

90. Tell me, is it true that ambulances always travel so fast for fear of being run over by lawyers?

91. Those pedagogic piffle'rs of puerile proportions, who’ve been in charge of our children’s education far too long, will fight any change (of educational control) union tooth and nail.

92. I wonder what would happen, in that bastion of politically correct tolerance, if I opened a Pasta/Noodle Restaurant in the Castro district of San Francisco and called it “The Wet Noodle”, or “The Limp Lasagna”? Of course, The Rigid Rigatoni” would be wildly popular.

93. “AN IMMODEST (Business) PROPOSAL”©: Our country used to believe (and rightly so back in the dim, distant past of the 1930’s, 40’s, and 50’s) that it was awful, unjust, and immoral, that Socialist Communism (as practiced in the Soviet Union, and then China, and elsewhere) encouraged neighbors to spy upon one other, and children to spy on their parents for antigovernment thought crimes. However, these days we seem to have no qualms about turning in almost anyone: not only rightfully for breaking the law in major ways, (ie: plotting to violently overthrow the government) but, also, for the most picayune of infractions (ie: Barking dogs, too many cats, etc... ). We seem to also have a noisome minority of “Moderne Puritans” rabidly searching for perceived infractions of political correctness, in speech, action or thought as well. (Which, when think about it, is simply the same Socialist mindset revised and updated for Americans.)

Therefore, I propose to bring back a term that was, for many years, held in low esteem and change it’s usage to one of high repute and utility by making it as easy as possible for people to exercise their newfound propensity for tattling on one another. This would fulfill a great number of needs on many levels. Not only for “The Masses” (a Stalinist term for the euphemism “Useful Idiots”) but, and from a business prospective more importantly, as a conduit for gathering a great amount of information on an almost limitless number of topics related to human behavior and propensities, as well as perceived information on suspected criminal behavior, with nearly unlimited sales potential to Universities, Corporations, Security Agencies, Law Enforcement, Government Social Bureaus and so forth, with enough wealth of information to keep even the most demanding bureaucrat, and/or Social Statistician happy - yet wanting ever more.

The name of this service reflects not only my sense of irony (and disappointment at what we’ve become) but also seems to have a retro, yet cutting edge, cachet that would catch on in many different strata and spectrum of society as either a fun (or in) sort of thing, or as a topic of derision and scorn. This will work to the company’s advantage either way - as a massive free press and radio talk show controversy, and/or in terms of word of mouth advertising.

The name I consider essential for the success of this which I envision is “Stoolie”, as in “Stool Pigeon”, or one who tells on another. I propose setting up a nation (free world?) wide service network, of both telephone service centers and internet access, where people can report whatever non emergency information they wish, such as highway hazards, leaking sewerage pipes, et cetera, to noisy neighbors, unsightly properties, suspected drug activity, child abuse, ad nauseam. Thereby freeing up vital 911 emergency networks by using either a voice mail menu via telephone, or a web page display of links (both in the form of informational gathering nexus’, and as conduits directly to the desired entities) accessed simply by dialing “1-800-Stoolie”, or, throughout the World Wide web at “”, without having to remember any other numbers or addresses, just as 911 is so universally used and remembered. (The appropriate technologies already exist; they just need to be coordinated.) This system would make it as simple possible for our concerned, caring citizens (information providers) to use, and, they can do it anonymously (except, of course, for the telephone number they’re calling from, or the internet address they use). Although I imagine that local, state, and federal law enforcement, plus prosecutorial and defense lawyers (as well as telephone companies), will demand full and free access, they may have it along with everyone else, for a price. In some cases, the price of exclusivity comes to mind. In others - lots o’ money.

If knowledge is power, and power equates with money, then this , I believe, is a way to acquire more than even Crœsus imagined. I can only hope that the data generated will be beneficial, as well as useful, to society.

94. “... Those fractious fops of facetious frivolity, who are fervently feeling their fractured fundaments ... .”

95. “Pixel Pete” (takeoff on “Pistol Pete”). Name for an NRA for (fill in the blank).

96. “heART (he-ART?)” A male oriented art form/forum/outlet?

97. “sheART (she-ART?)” a female oriented art form/forum/outlet?

98. How about a restaurant called “Chez Á Trois”, or, Á Trois’ “? (Based upon the french term “Menage A Trois” meaning a threesome. All of these specialties would be for three ... with three sided tables, plates, glasses, et cetera ... .)

99. Ok. How about a club called “The House of Two Gemini’s”? (The symbol” ∏ + ∏ = )

100. “The Double-Entendre”, or, “Dualities”? Symbol - same as above. “Twins?”

101. Just how far would one be tempted to go, in order to achieve one’s goals, lofty or otherwise? This is the dilemma faced by idealist’s confronted with the real world. (Note: The, “The ends justify the means!” crowd is always going to be at a tactical advantage, no matter what, so they’re just an added incentive to redouble one’s efforts to be victorious, yet ethically pure at the same time.

102. (More to be transcribed from my old, dying PowerMac 4400/200)

127. For Mairi:

“A stitch in time (they say) saves nine.”

So, say they, will a card sent on time.

Why, you ask? What’s the occasion?


Pal o’ Mine?

Stitch in time?

With lust (I must)

Admit it! The fire?

Ya done gone and lit it.

128. (Yet even more transcribing of much "under-the-bridge-water" remains to be done.)

262. I’m going to have to write a modern version of “The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf”. I’ll have to entitle it: “The Little Queen That Cried ‘Drama!’ ”. (Dedicated to Mairi, of course.)

263. The following was submitted to the Washington Times on April 09, 2009, as a comment on their commentary about four killed by a gunman in a Korean Religious Center, in Temecula, Ca.: Many commentators have noted the language barrier as one of the primary causes of the unintelligible mess the police faced when they arrived. Pro and Con alike may be surprised at California's Constitutional requirement that English be the Official State Language. Try enforcing that one on your own. Try using that as a defense in court for trying. Try getting it in front of the State Supreme Court to overturn your conviction - “You racist pig!”.

264. The original Tea Party was staged by the sons of Freedom against “Taxation without representation”. The critics of the Tea Party in 2009 claim that we protested against “Taxation with representation”. Nice try. We are protesting against “Taxation with misrepresentation”.

265. In 1994, Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” was derisively refereed to by Democrats (and, of course, the media) as a “Contract on America”. Actually, I believe that the Constitution of the United States of America is "The Contract of America".

266. I sent the following to Obama, Boxer, Finestein and Thompson o 04/19/09

My Dear Professor Obama (and "His" Teaching Assistants),

You all may chafe at the bit, so to speak, at the constraints the "Contract Of America", a.k.a. The Constitution of the United States" places on you fondest wishes: Establishing a grand ksathra-pavan here, in place of a representative republic. By denying the very fact that our rights are given to us "by our Creator" and not subject to man denied wishes, edicts or special orders, you prove your intentions. It, our constitution, is by design, "Restrictive", and not "Proscriptive" for the very reason I'm addressing you now. It is not the fault of American gun owners that the failing oligarchs of Mexico can not control (in the sense of eliminate - not help them profit by) their increasingly violent drug lords. It is also not the fault of America's border patrol agents that their counterpart Mexican border agents are not doing the job they're supposed to be doing. Are they "on the take"? Most likely, in the land of mordida, far too many are. (That is not the type of cultural diversity we wish to "import" here, by the way.)

It bodes ill for the American people, if the definition of "Law Abiding" can be further restricted by the hand of anyone who does not trust the very people whose very unalienable rights are in their hands. That is not leadership by good example. rather it is the leadership of the tyrant; Whether or not by accident or design. That was something our founders (those dead Caucasian guys) were very aware of and addressed in great detail in their correspondences with one another. That, I believe, is what some, in power, are so very afraid of. a rebellion of "the great unwashed". A very dim possibility indeed, if one only follows the constitutional precepts as set down by our founders.

With All Due Respect,

Mr. John Besharian

Life Member of the NRA

267. So. In order to not negatively affect the “Pork” industry with politics, are we now referring to: “H1N1-Barrel Spending”?

268. “A picture is worth a thousadnd words”. (Only if you have no imagineation.)


Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Whencefore art thou Myron?

  I took your advice and "fooled around" with Text Edit on my first ever entry into my Blog (my Nom d'Blog is Myron J. Poltroonian, which is through blogspot.)  That was the name I used on the 1980 census I filled out in San Francisco - the one the poor college student asked for on a Saturday morning  around 10:00 am, after I'd been out at a gig  the night before and hadn't gotten home until about 2:30/3:00 in the  morning.  Let's just say the sight of this long-haired, bearded, grumpy and bedecked in only my old burgundy bathrobe musician was unsettling to the poor fellow to say the least, since my response to his inquiry was a somewhat gruff "Yah!", whereupon he he smiled weakly, apologized profusely, and beat a hasty retreat away from my door, never to be seen again.  The preceding, chronologically, in Apple Script, is entitled "For Mairi":


Born in Rhode Island (same day, same year as Bob Dylan). Moved to California during WW II, then back to R.I. twice more with my folks when I joined the US Army in California and served from '59-'62. I became, on my own, the 8th Transportation Battalion (Lt. Helicopters) Public Information Office Photographer for 18 months, just outside (by 5 miles) of Munich, Germany. I played music for a living for 20 years, starting in '65 in LA and Orange County then San Francisco and the Bay Area in '69. I've played with people you've heard of, as well as many more you have not. I walked away after 20 years because, as I've said many times: "I got fed up with people falling over with needles in their arms, and me depending on them for work". (More to follow, as time permits.) Oh, yes. My company, J.B. Enterprises, owns (. )( .)'s Up! Productions©