Friday, May 22, 2009
"What is God?"
I will turn 68 this Sunday, May 24th. When I was 17, having been raised to understand that "You don't have to be in a building, to believe in God", I decided that "God is Energy, after all, It's everywhere". Now, some five decades later, scientists in the field of "Quantum Mechanics", with "String Theory", have postulated that there indeed may be vibrating "Strings" of energy everywhere. Not only in interstellar, but intergalactic space as well. The other half of my postulation rests on the question: "What is thought?". In it's purest form, it is merely an inexplicable bit of energy carried by external means. If that is also true, then that, I believe, coupled with string theory, is the mind of God. How presumptuous is mankind to believe he can truly understand the mind, let alone interpret the will of God. If I may quote Puck: "What fools these mortals be".
Friday, May 15, 2009
"Whose side are you on, boys?"
Lets see if I follow this excess greenhouse gasses problem to it's logical conclusion: While "NerObama" fiddles, a' jawboning the Iranians, they're a' busily building nuclear weapons and testing delivery systems with a greater and longer range than necessary for their stated target for destruction, giving secondary presumed targets pause to reflect (and, hopefully, time to prepare). One would presume that the Iranians have every intention of following through with their oft stated desire to "Wipe the Zionist State off the map", or some such verbiage to that effect. One could also easily assume that the targeted country would use every means at it's disposal to prevent such an action against it. At some point, while NerObama and the UN are a' busily decrying the Iranians "success" in going nuclear, the Israelis launch a preemptive nuclear strike against them; the Taliban takes control of Pakistan and it's nukes, joining the fray. Iran also strikes out at European countries within it's range (as well as their Arab enemies); Russia takes one side or the other (most likely Iran's), China sits back grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat, unless attacked. (Who knows what Kim Jong Il will do while the attention of the world is distracted elsewhere.) Anyway, when all the above transpires, voila! instant "Nuclear Winter". Which means what: "End Times prophesies become true for their believers; the ending of the "Global Warming" threat; and, if we're really lucky, the Moses of the environmental movement, Algore, will go out "in a blaze of glory" (or, as It's usually called, "a puff of smoke"). The old folk song lyric: "Whose side are you on, boys. Whose side are you on", comes to mind.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
"Running on Empty (Headedness)"
Limbaugh "tie[s] one half of [his] brain behind [his] back - just to be fair." (He can afford to.) RINO's tie both hands behind their backs trying to be more like the other side, a' hopin' to be liked by them by proving their "open mindedness". Which, when the votes are counted of course, merely proves their "Empty Headedness" instead.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
"America" Love it, win it back, or lose it - forever
"This far, and no further" is no longer an option for conservatism. Not for the America I was born into back in '41. Yes there were inequities, but we had the capacity, as a people, to begin to right those wrongs and kick the living Hell out of the Fascists and Imperial Japan at the same time. Where we went wrong was in feeling so much relief after WW II was over that the heavy leaning to the left, boosted by Hollywood's "coming out of the closet" all out attack on traditional values, such as fighting for what you believe in, that was aided and abetted by the media, wasn't seen for what it was by far too many folks. When Korea happened, we had already lost the "Stones" to go ahead and win the damn thing. Viet Nam was a joke, as far as fighting a successful engagement went. Especially after good old Walter Cronkite declared it lost, and the rest of the media took up the cudgel of defeatism. Until, and unless, Americans return to the values of free enterprise, tempered with fair play, and a belief in American Exceptionalism along with constitutionalist principles, we are doomed to slide down that slippery slope of "Let George Do It" and "The world owes me a living (at someone else's expense)".
Monday, May 11, 2009
Miss California and the "Compassionate Politically Correct " and their tolerance for diverse opinions
Rusty Warren, a comedienne from the '50's & '60's, used to have a routine she called "Knockers Up". In it, she encouraged women to be proud of themselves and their bodies, despite society's prudery. It seems to me that the old saw, "The more things change, the more they stay the same", is still in full bloom. And Keith Lewis(sic) is a blooming idiot. His voice (I've never seen him) pegs him as a full blown castratti. I base that on two things: 1. His weasel-wording on spilling the beans vis รก vis her medical records (How did the questioner know what questions to ask?); 2. 20 years in the music business as a guitarist, in LA and the Bay Area, does help one to attune the ears. Where were all the females like Miss Rhode Island when I left in '55? This enquiring geezer wants to know.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Response to a Letter to the Editor re: Earth vs. Arbor day
My Dear Mr. Meadows, The unsubtle difference between Earph Daze and Arbor day is simple. Anyone can explain, and debate, the reasons pro and con for planting suitable species of trees, in the proper locations, to provide the maximum desired benefit. However, when the mighty "Moses" of the environmental movement, "Algore" (the prophet who stands to profit mightily by his Carbon Offsets scheme), refuses to debate any and all who dare to disagree with his "Foregone Conclusions" (masquerading as "Settled Science"); who, in fact, belittles in extremely derisive tones, any of the scientists who've reached differing conclusions based on their reading of the evidence (the "Facts", as Al Moses Gore puts it), he puts the lie to his true purpose. And his purpose is not good. He, Obama, and many others of the left, wish, for various and diverse reasons, to dismantle private property protections, suppress the individuals ability to control their holdings and, by extension, our entire capitalist system, based on the freedom of choice to do as you wish with what is yours. I find the term "Community Gardens" to be amusing at present. However, I foresee the concept of an ill defined patchwork of small community efforts being overtaken (once again for the greater good) by "The State" and turned into, by whatever name, "Collective Farms". Collective farms run by the State wherein "Some are more equal than others", indeed.
Friday, May 1, 2009
"Flyby" details
I just got the "fifty dollars is fifty dollars" e-mail from Jeff the Trucker and just about busted a gut laughing. That would be because I almost went the way of "Esther" during that flyby. It seems that the H-34 Choctaw I was in (Huey's came out just shortly before I left) had only one output jack for a headset, and that was by the crew chief's seat next to, and just forward of the sliding door (they only had the one) on the right hand side of the aircraft (cap. 14 + a crew of 3). As I had to give directions to the pilot, I was seated in that seat. During one of the go-around's, the crew chief motioned me over to the left side to take a photo or three for him. Immediately after, we were in position to take more pictures from the open R/H sliding door, so I hurried over, sat down and commenced to use my two still cameras and the 8mm movie camera that one of the officers wanted me to use. After a moment or two, I noticed the crew chief waving his arms (he had no intercom access) at me. I looked at him and he motioned down at my waist, making a closing motion with his hands. Yes, ol' dummah here had been leaning out of the aircraft without his seat belt being fastened, just a'merrily snapping away - it was a Kodak Moment indeed. And one I'll never forget.
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