Saturday, November 28, 2009
"Freedom is not free"
As a child, during WW II and just after, I traveled with my parents from New England to California and back again by train across this country twice. I vividly remember the railcars, Pullman or Sleeping, Day Coach or Dining, being full of servicemen on their way to, then from the war. I've often wondered how many of them came home safely. I'm not a veteran (by my definition) but I am an ex GI (06/'59-06/'62). Perhaps being from New England, coupled with my military experience, I'm a bit more outwardly thankful for the sacrifices made by our military "to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic", ever since the founding of this "Great Experiment"; "A republic, if [we] can keep it". It is ever thus that "Freedom is not free".
Political Commentary
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
"Centrist" vs. "Moderate"
They say: “Honesty is the best policy”, except, of course, when it comes to political promises. When you give the voters a choice between a “Centrist” from column A or a “Moderate” from column B, what you’re doing is giving them a choice between TweedleD("emo"crat) and TweedleDum(bo). ‘nough said?
Monday, November 23, 2009
"Waste not" found wanting?
"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."
English naturalist
"A man who does not deign to pause for an hour to contemplate his navel does not understand the meaning of life."
--Myron J. Poltroonian
American observationist
Carly Vs. Chuck - RINO's Vs. Rhino's
In a discussion in The Personal Liberty Digest over the qualifications of Carly Fiorina verses Chuck DeVore as a conservative candidate to replace (defeat) Barbara Boxer as a U.S. senator from California, there seems to be a pattern here. There are some, it seems, who are of the bent that "Only the 'Purest of the Pure' are qualified enough". Given that mind-set, I wonder if Ron Paul or even John Birch would be "Pure" enough for them. As to the "Throw [all] the bums out!" crowd, others, with cooler heads, have pointed out that there are some politicians (such as Tom McClintock, Peter Hoekstra and others) who've already proved their bona fides as to their conservative credentials and ask, why on Gods green earth would we want to "Throw out the baby with the bath water"? In all of this I sadly discern the hand of Public (Un)Education (in spelling and grammar), and a willingness to follow the media's headlong descent into abbreviated "New Speak", i.e.: Plural sentence structure in the singular and/or vise versa. All in the name of "Increased space for 'Content' " (i.e.: more room for advertising, actually). By the way, "RINO's" lack what I call the "H" factor, they have very thin skins, unlike Rhino's, who can take an extraordinary amount of punishment and still keep charging ahead.
Friday, November 20, 2009
"You'll get all the healthcare you need."
Those were the words uttered by "NerObama" a few months ago in response to a question about "His" Healthcare Plan that I saw on a television (broadcast, not cable). That was enough for me. He was signaling that "His" government bureaucrats would be deciding how much care you "needed", not you and your physicians. I'm sick and tired of hearing "Your habits are costing me money", type of arguments vis a vis insurance rates. If you could shop for your insurance and chose a provider that does not cover smokers, non vegetarians, et cetera, then you could better control your costs. What the ["bleep"] is so hard to figure out about that? Nothing. Trust me, if I, an old former guitarist of 20 years (and now a trucker for 23) can, even the "Pinheads in the pinstripe suits" in DC can. They are just too addicted to the gravy train of campaign donations (and/or outright bribes) the current system provides for them. After all, their health benefits aren't affected, just their ability to get reelected and stay on the train. Hopefully, someday we, the people will be actually able to derail that gravy train. Until then, "Just Say No" to this blatant grab for the ultimate power over our lives - our very health and well-being.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Gangs, Guns and the Police
An article, about DC police arresting an MS XII gang member for killing a nine year old, was published in the Washington Times today, prompted me to reply thusly: Now, I don't know if the apartment building in question is privately or publicly owned, nor should it make much difference, as I'm willing to bet that that there are quite a few tenants there (and in the neighborhood) who are on one form or another of subsidized rent. That, unfortunately leads to a attitude of disrespect and an outward lack of care as exemplified by the mere act of not closing the doors or gates where one lives, ("Hey! I didn't leave it open! So why should I be expected to close it?") et cetera. I've seen this attitude displayed over and over again. If the residents of DC were "allowed" by their "Electeds" (something unconstitutional for them to deny, by the way) to freely exercise their 2nd amendment rights, then the criminals wouldn't be nearly so freely plying their trade. All that said, gangs such MS XIII, are just one of the problems we're importing with our current lack of enforcement of our far too porous borders. One third of all federal prisoners are illegal aliens. Why? When will the will of the people be enforced - not the will of the politicians trolling for loyal voters, or campaign funds (or outright bribes) from the corporations who employ them? Don't blame "Heller", or "Easy Access to (evil implied) Guns", as those are just the excuses that politicians and bleeding hearts use to hid the truth. That being that, for one reason or the other, they want you totally dependent on them; and, if you won't submit willingly, they'll legislate you into submission. Then the criminals will enjoy an even greater "Free Fire Zone", since, as the police readily admitted, their efforts are reactive, not proactive. Who saves your life in the very first seconds of a violent assault? Not those you have to wait for to show up after you finally connect with 911.
Monday, November 2, 2009
"Bad Men Cannot Make Good Citizens"
"Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles."
-Patrick Henry
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